Bad news: The corona virus has become in a state of permanent mutation, the programmes for development of vaccines are way too slow in following the mutation rhythm of the virus, and by consequence the lockdown is permanent: Government all over the world are proclaiming curfews, and ordering people to stay inside. the virus is permanently mutating, which prevents people to go outside. From now on all contacts are zoomed.
Despite all the negative consequences and the fierce protests and lootings which are resulting these draconic measures, some remarkable effects are noticed: Violence has dropped to zero, otherwise oppressed or shy people are now in an equal position to have their say: In the digital world we all have the same square space on the computer screen of the other.
But then the question poses: If, for one reason or the other, this situation is unbearable because of the denial of certain human practices, or appears to have negative impact on the position of certain human beings, how to start a revolution? How to mobilize people if direct contact has become impossible? The only medium which is left is zoom. But how can digital meet-ups evolve in a revolutionary movement? The only way – if respecting the rules the government imposes – is by smart utilisation of the medium zoom: What are the ingredients of a revolutionary meet-up and how does it generate a follow-up in a next (zoom) meeting with more people involved and a better program? This means to utilise the means the digital world has at its disposition for engendering such an enhancement of revolutionary potential.
Such a tool is the ‘genetic algorithm’, which is a kind of decision model that ‘genetically’ looks for the best solution. So if ZOOM is equipped with such a tool where on the base of certain parameters it will select the best possible outcome for successful next zoom-meetings, and consequently will arrange these new meetings, with a slightly different composition and agenda, but with likely a better outcome in achieving revolutionary goals.
First has to be determined on the base of which criteria elements of a certain meeting will be selected: What was the agenda, were the subjects discussed sufficiently aiming at an improvement of people’s situation, was there progress booked during this meeting, was there sufficiently support for the results of this meeting. Secondly, which people are invited for the next meeting, what was their contribution in the last meeting, are there people and subjects in other meetings which will likely improve the outcome of this meeting, etcetera.
In the first meeting these criteria will be determined, based on the first question: what is the problem people are experiencing. Provided a sufficient number of first meetings is organised, and interested people agree on a regular availability for follow-up meetings, the phantom of revolution will digitally go round. Be welcome: